sábado, 23 de febrero de 2019

Peru: Birds in danger of extinction. Videos with songs and life in the forest (1)

Peru: Birds in danger of extinction. Videos with songs and life in the forest  (1) 

(Part 1) In Peru there are more than 1,800 species of birds, and because of the greed or ignorance of the people, the lives of vulnerable species are endangered. It shows videos of some (10), although I fear that with the greater occurrence of aggressive events against the habitat (mining, deforestation, global warming) or against the same species, (poaching, killing for fun, search and destruction of eggs ), the list will soon increase.

1. Churrete (Cinclodes patagonicus)

Churrete, grabado en Puerto Tortel

churrete acanelado (cinclodes fuscus)

2. Colibri (Loddigesia mirabilis, Marvelous spatuletail)

Colibrí cola de espátula

marvelous spatuletail courtship display

3. Condor (Vultur gryphus, andean condor)

Vuelo del cóndor, cañón del colca, los andes perú.

4. Cortarramas (Phytotoma Raimondi, Peruvian plantcutter)

cortarramas cantando sonido para llamar, el mejor

el cortarrama, único video conocido.avi

5. Cock of the Rocks (Rupicola peruviana)

Un bello espectáculo  visual: El gallito de las rocas roca (rupicola peruviana) del municipio de Jardín, Antioquía, Colombia.

Link for the second part:

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