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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta bird watchers. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

Manu National Park, bird list

 Manu National Park. Paradise of Birds

Manu National Park in Peru, is a privileged area for nature, home to over 1,000 species of birds, which represents 25% of all birds in the Americas and 10% of the birds in the World. There are endemic species such as parrots and others that present later.
A partial list of the birds of Manu, which we will gradually introducing shown. In the following links you can see some of them.

Below the list of birds with common name and scientific name English name.

In the Report of Manu (2013, pp. 213-232, 236 -255) is an additional list of birds of Manu. I advise reading the reference documents.

Recommended links:



Reportaje Manu 2013, Pasión por la investigación en la Amazonía Peruana
Sernamp, Perú; San Diego Zoo Global Perú
Wust Ediciones, Cusco, Perú

Lista de aves del Manu


Dreyer Niels Poul (2007) Manu, National park, 2006 October

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

Peru, Manu National Park, bird sanctuary

Manu paradise for bird watching

Manu National Park is a protected area located in southeastern Peru, located in the Madre de Dios and Cusco, in the provinces of Manu and Paucartambo. With an area of ​​1,532,806 hectares, it is divided into three major areas: the National Park with 1,155,806 hectares; Reserved Zone, with 257 000 hectares; and Transition Zone and Cultural Materials, with 120,000 ha. Facilities include cataloging as Biosphere Reserve.

It stretches from the 300 meters, at the confluence of the Manu River with the Madre de Dios River until the 3800 meters at the summit of the mountain Apu Kañajhuay. Some researchers believe in the virgin areas of this reserve is Paititi or the lost city of the Incas.

Manu National Park (PNM), together with the diversity of ecosystems ranging from the Andes to the Amazon basin, is one of the protected areas with the greatest diversity of birds on earth. There are 1, 025 species, representing 25% of the birds in South America and more than 10% of birds in the world, diversity explanatory range of altitudes and habitats become the Manu in the best destination for birding of the world.

There are endemic species like macaws lowland species such as Ara ararauna, A. chloptera, A. macao, severe A., A. manilata.

Manu river in the world record for the largest number of bird species seen was set for one day in one place with a staggering 331 species recorded by Ted Parker and Scott Robinson. On a trip of 10 to 14 days you can observe more than 600 species of birds.

Collpas (clay deposits) are places riverbanks, where many species of parrots and macaws gather to eat clay in the mornings (Manu is home to 27 species).

Flocks of mixed species of tanagers, furnariids, ant, warblers and others moved noisily through the forest canopy. The composition of these impressive birds congregations vary with altitude and habitat and each flock presents new species.

The ratio of the antbirds and swarms of army ants allows advantage to feed birds from flying insects.

Lek of the Cock of the rocks and manakins are places where males display their bright colors to attract a mate.

On a routine visit to Manu you can find other species such as the harpy eagle, Agami Heron, hoatzin and camungo. Anyway, anywhere and at any time of day, Manu is surprising tofo which provides traveler.


Parque Nacional del Manu. Aves

Parque Nacional el manu

Manu: a light of hope

Parque Nacional del Manu

Lista de aves del Manu

Animales de la Reserva Nacional del Manu, Perú